Where to Shop Custom Foot Ortothics?

Foot orthotics are a kind of customized orthotic that corrects and remedies deformity of the feet and legs. These orthotics are made for athletes with sports injuries, overpronators with a pronated foot (overpronation is excessive rolling in of the foot at the end of the normal heel-toe stride, which can be related to poor foot mechanics and muscle balance) and those with high arch foot. Shop now if you need it.

It is used by individuals who play contact sports like football and basketball, dance, volleyball, track and field, yoga, weightlifting, and gymnastics.

Custom foot orthotics make the foot flat again and reduce the symptoms like aching, stiffness, fatigue, or cramping. These are not the common orthotics, they are called custom made orthotics. This type of orthotics are more cost effective and less cumbersome, therefore they are popular in countries where there is a dearth of orthotics professionals like India, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Taiwan and China. Custom foot orthotics are available at most stores and sports shops. What are the different types of orthotics? There are different types of orthotics available, custom made and readymade, like heel-less orthotics, heel-kicks, mid-foot orthotics (MFO), arch supports and rigid orthotics. These are based on the specific needs of the individual patient. Heel-less orthotics: These are not as popular, as the regular orthotics. However, these are more suitable for those who wear shoes that have thick sole or cushion like ballet shoes. Heel-kicks: These are more of sports footwear than orthotics. They help to maintain the ideal position of the foot during sports activity. MFO: These are popular for the individuals with high arches and stiff arches. Arch supports: These can be used by anyone with high arches. Rigid orthotics: These are designed to help the ankle and leg muscles for better performance. To find out what kind of orthotics suits your feet and body type the best, you can discuss the same with your foot professional. Some of the questions he/she can ask you are: Are you a sport person? What kind of exercises do you perform regularly? What kind of foot problems have you been experiencing? When was your last foot examination? What was the professional’s diagnosis of your feet? If the answers to the questions is yes, then they will recommend custom made orthotics to you. In some cases, it is difficult to distinguish between the orthotics and the foot problem. Therefore, if you are having foot problems and can not differentiate between the same, you can always opt for custom foot orthotics. Custom Foot Orthotics – Benefits and Side Effects It has been studied that a person who wear custom made foot orthotics benefits from many things. These are listed below: Pain relief: Most of the time, the pain associated with the foot problem is relieved. Some cases, the pain is reduced significantly when custom foot orthotics are worn. Stability of the foot: The rigid orthotics make the foot more stable, therefore they provide better control during exercise. The arch of the foot will get stretched and the shape of the foot will become flat. Improves balance: The custom made orthotics make the foot flat, which provides better balance. The shape of the foot will change with the help of custom orthotics. Sole of the shoe: The heel-less orthotics are more popular for those who wear thick shoe soles. They make the foot flat and help the shoe to stay in place during exercise.


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